That First Video Quote

With the increasing importance of social media and web content, video is becoming more and more of a necessity for companies large and small. Often times our clients see that their competitors have a very compelling video.  This then inspires them to start the process of creating their own compelling video, but they come to realize that creating video is not necessarily a quick and easy process. Today, video is important and perhaps even necessary to sell your product, but it is not quick and easy.  

“You don’t know what you don’t know.”  The video world can be a confusing place to jump into if you have not already established a good relationship with a video production company.  For first-time video projects, I have seen companies try to produce videos by themselves only to realize half-way through that they do not have the technical expertise or equipment necessary, and they did not realize the extent of time and planning involved to create an effective video.  Then when they do reach out to video production companies they find that every company quotes a little different than the next.  It is not comparing apples to apples.  There are a ton of variables involved in producing a video, which is why the costs vary by company.  I try to be transparent and explain every step of the process in what we do producing videos, so first-time client have expectations that match the quality of work we produce and the amount of time we put in.

Here are some things we need to know in order to quote a video.  How long is the video?  Are there advanced motion graphics?  Is there on-camera talent?  How many days are we shooting?  Where are we shooting? How many people are needed on the production crew? Is there travel involved?  Who is scripting it?  And so much more.  As you can see, there are a ton of variables that affect costs.  These questions are not typically answered until a script is in place and often times we are asked to quote without being presented a script.  Maybe our client wants us to write it or perhaps they haven’t written it because they need to get a budget approved first.  When these situations occur, we understand that that can be the case.  We can then make a proposal, sometimes a range of costs, where we use our professional expertise to predict what kind of budget we think is appropriate to produce the best possible video that provides the best return on investment.  That said, I can produce the most accurate quote when there is a script or detailed concept in place.

When developing scripts or concepts I encourage my clients to take inspiration from videos they like. What videos, shows or movies have you seen that you found compelling?  Could we produce something similar within a budget that provides your best return on investment?  I love to work with my clients in finding inspiration like this, reviewing the videos with them and seeing how we can work together to tie in certain areas of inspiration.  Then brainstorm our own creative ideas to come up with a concept that best represents and sells the product. 

Video quotes are complicated, but I love providing quotes. In order to provide an accurate pinpoint quote, I need all the information I can get.  That means the client providing a script or very thorough concept. It is also very helpful to find example videos of similar quality and content.  I pride myself on writing quotes that are accurate and provide the best return on investment.  In order to do that, I need a lot of information.  I like this part.  I like asking a lot of questions, discussing the options and determining the best plan and budget.  That’s what I am here for.  I have to admit that the video world is confusing to jump into at first, but the process itself becomes much easier with subsequent videos.  It comes back to building that relationship. 


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